Radish Juice

Radish Juice

Piles: Radish is very rich in roughage, i.e. indigestible carbohydrates. This facilitates digestion, retains water, cures constipation (one of the main causes for piles) and thus gives relief in piles. Being a very good detoxifier, it helps heal up piles fast. Its juice also soothes the digestive and excretory system and this also relieves piles

Skin Disorders: Vitamin-C, phosphorus, zinc and some members of vitamin-B complex, which are present in radish, are good for skin. The water in it helps maintaining moisture of the skin. Smashed raw radish is a very good cleanser and serves as a very efficient face pack. Due to its disinfectant properties, radish also helps cure skin disorders, such as drying up, rashes, cracks etc. and also refreshes it.

Respiratory Disorders, Bronchitis and Asthma: Radish is an anti congestive, i.e. it relieves congestion of respiratory system including nose, throat, wind-pipe and lungs, due to cold, infection, allergies and other causes. It is a good disinfectant and also rich in vitamins, which protect respiratory system from infections.

Liver & Gallbladder: Radish is especially beneficial for liver and gallbladder functions. It regulates production and flow of bile and bilirubin, acids, enzymes and removes excess bilirubin from the blood, being a good detoxifier. It also contains enzymes like myrosinase, diastase, amylase and esterase. It protects liver and gallbladder from infections and ulcers and soothes them.
Other Benefits: Apart from above benefits, radish is a good appetizer, mouth and breathe freshener, laxative, regulates metabolism, improves blood circulation, is a good treatment for headache, acidity, constipation, nausea, obesity, sore throat, whooping cough, gastric problems, gallbladder stones, dyspepsia etc.

Wheat grass for Anal FIssure

Wheat Grass

What does auto-immune mean?
Normally the immune antibodies our bodies produce act to stave off bacteria, viruses and other organisms that try to invade the body, and to kill off cancer cells that continually develop inside us. When this system goes awry, such as when the body undergoes severe or prolonged emotional or physical stress or severe illness, these antibodies can attack and damage healthy cells, tissues or organs. This is called an auto-immune reaction which can eventually cause an auto-immune condition if it continues long enough. In rheumatoid arthritis for example, joints can become severely damaged. i.e. they become red, swollen and painful and eventually lose their function.
My theory is that this is what occurs in anal fissure and possibly in other similar painful conditions such as tennis elbow and plantar fasciitis and perhaps even in the split lip shown in Figure 2. For some reason, these antibodies attack the mucous membrane on the anal wall. This breaks down and the fissure opens up. At time of passing stool, the anal muscles reflexly go into spasm and the bare nerve endings in the fissure produce a painful sensation. The pain leads to stool avoidance which can then cause constipation which aggravates the fissure and the whole process becomes cyclical.
Unless some way is found to heal the fissure, or the body repairs itself, the fissure becomes chronic. The anal verge being unable to "rest" for any length of time because of the need for bowel evacuation, the fissure remains open.
So the aim should be to fix the fissure, not the constipation. However, this has never been an easy task – until now.

How does wheatgrass work for anal fissure?
Having used wheatgrass on thousands of patients for a variety of conditions it has been strikingly obvious to me that it facilitates natural healing e.g. for wounds, burns, fractures, anal fissure etc. One can actually see the healing in progress for example in burns and infected wounds when the open wound is re-covers itself with a thin film of new cells in 24-48 hours. This keeps the body fluids in and the bacteria out, and the patient’s pain disappears as well. These are not phenomena one sees when the body is healing itself unaided.
Wheatgrass in some way “normalizes” damaged tissue and facilitates rapid healing, most likely, as already mentioned, due to stimulation of growth factors responsible for production of skin and related tissue cells. It can also work dramatically in some cases of auto-immune related disorders such as acne rosacea and psoriasis. In other words, it appears to act as a topical (surface) immunomodulator and growth factor activator.
Wheatgrass is a powerful, natural healing agent that often works when nothing else does

Dietary Support

Dietary Support

Maintaining daily regularity, maximizing tissue support, and minimizing anal stretching are the optimal conditions for healing your anus. For these reasons, we recommend the following supplements:

Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid found in the muscles of the body. It is essential to heal and maintain all muscles, including the anus. It is the basis of the building blocks for the synthesis of RNA and DNA. It is an essential component to maintaining a healthy colonic wall.

Fortified Flax
To help you maintain daily regularity, fortified flax is your best choice of dietary fiber. The diets of most Western cultures have changed radically over the past 100 to 150 years, which often leads to problems like anal fissures. In other words, your fiber supplement must be a food and not just a filler. This excellent food for colon health will not only keep you regular, but its healthy fats (omega-3 and omega-6) will assist tissues in healing, unlike many other fiber products.

Oxitrol's unique formula supplies the most comprehensive selection of antioxidants available today. Oxitrol contains vitamin E, vitamin C, CoQ10, grape seed extract, alpha lipoic acid, quercetin, N-acetyl L-cysteine, selenium, and beta carotene. All of these soften the stool and promote cellular healing. In addition, Oxitrol helps to protect the body from the formation of free radicals. Free radicals can cause damage to cells, impairing the immune system and leading to tissue degeneration. The CoQ10 in Oxitrol aids circulation, stimulates the immune system, and increases tissue oxygenation. All of this leads to a full healing of anal fissures.

MSM is a metabolite of DMSO and is a naturally occurring source of sulfur. MSM is a safe and naturally effective solution for inflammatory conditions and for healing tissues. Most people notice a distinct healing of their anus within a day or two of taking MSM orally.

Primal Defense
Primal Defense is a natural, whole food probiotic blend of HSOs (homeostatic soil organisms) designed to optimize the health of the human digestive tract and immune system. Beneficial soil- and plant-based microbes used to be ingested as part of food grown in rich, unpolluted soil. However, modern growing and processing methods have prevented our acquisition of these beneficial bacteria so necessary for the good health and function of our intestinal tract and immune system. Primal Defense is a key supplement when recovering from anal fissures.

Super Aloe
Cape aloes is a very effective herbal product for those who suffer from irregularity and need temporary relief of constipation. Cape aloes is related to the more common aloe vera growing on Cape Horn of South Africa. This very bitter substance acts as a tonic and purgative. Cape aloes purges the bowels in 6 to 24 hours.

Super Salve
Super Salve is the most effective salve that we have used to eliminate anal fissures. It nourishes and heals the tissues of the anus and works as an antioxidant. In addition, it is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and fights free radicals. INGREDIENTS: olive oil, organic chaparral leaf, organic comfrey leaf, organic echinacea flower, organic hops, organic usnea moss, organic bee's wax, cocoa butter, vitamin E and almond oils, and essential oils of cajuput, lemon grass, lemon, lavender, and tea tree.

Implant of Olive Oil, Aloe Vera, and MSM
This implant works wonders for anal fissures. I have found no other implant recipe more able to assist a sluggish colon to eliminate on its own or to heal the sensitive tissues of the colon.

Colon Cleansing
Given that poor healing of anal fissures is due to stretching and irritation of the anus by the pressure and contents of the stool, colon cleansing is a tremendous healing modality. By clearing out the entire colon using enemas during the first days, weeks, and maybe months, you will increase the speed of your healing and secure the tender anal area from tearing again. The information you need to do the colon cleansing is detailed in my book, Ten Days to Optimal Health. However, many people who have used this protocol for healing from anal fissures have worked with me over the phone or in person in order to optimize their program to fit them personally. For example, in the first days of healing from an anal fissure, most people will need to take a daily enema in order to give the rectal area a break from defecation to allow the anal area to heal.

Alternative Health Consultations

Throughout history people have used enemas as a tool to cleanse the colon. As a health practitioner, I see daily that enemas are an excellent way to heal anal fissures. Given the number of colon cleansing sessions needed to heal from anal fissures, enemas are the most effective and economical option. Enemas are safe when used properly. Enemas allow healing to the anal area. In order to learn more about enema therapy, you can watch our video, All About Enemas, which is included in the Anal Fissure Healing Kits.

Helpful online information for Anal Fissure

My recommended Posts:
  1. http://www.boardsailor.com/jack/af/        
      Anal fissure self help page: (You can search online) : This site has information from patients who suffered and cured  and some still suffering from anal fissure and there effective treatment.

Vitamins for Anal Fissure

Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc are important minerals that support blood clotting. Magnesium supports calcium absorption. Zinc aids in healing.

Here are some foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber:
•Oats (particularly oat bran)



•Peas (fresh split peas and snow peas are a great source of soluble fiber)


•Prunes (whole prunes are still best, although you can eat preserved prunes as long as they come with natural prune juice)

•Broccoli (don't only eat the tree part; the stems are also very good for you)



Reference Values for Nutrition Labeling

Vitamin or Mineral Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) Safe and Adequate Intake/Range (or Estimate)

Based on a 2000 Calorie Intake; for Adults and Children 4 or More Years of Age)

Nutrient Unit of Measure Daily Values

Total Fat grams (g) 65

Saturated fatty acids grams (g) 20

Cholesterol milligrams (mg) 300

Sodium milligrams (mg) 2400

Potassium milligrams (mg) 3500

Total carbohydrate grams (g) 300

Fiber grams (g) 25

Protein grams (g) 50

Nutrient Unit of Measure Daily Values

Vitamin A International Unit (IU) 5000

Vitamin C milligrams (mg) 60

Calcium milligrams (mg) 1000

Iron milligrams (mg) 18

Vitamin D International Unit (IU) 400

Vitamin E International Unit (IU) 30

Vitamin K micrograms (µg) 80

Thiamin milligrams (mg) 1.5

Riboflavin milligrams (mg) 1.7

Niacin milligrams (mg) 20

Vitamin B6 milligrams (mg) 2.0

Folate micrograms (µg) 400

Vitamin B12 micrograms (µg) 6.0

Biotin micrograms (µg) 300

Pantothenic acid milligrams (mg) 10

Phosphorus milligrams (mg) 1000

Iodine micrograms (µg) 150

Magnesium milligrams (mg) 400

Zinc milligrams (mg) 15

Selenium micrograms (µg) 70

Copper milligrams (mg) 2.0

Manganese milligrams (mg) 2.0

Chromium micrograms (µg) 120

Molybdenum micrograms (µg) 75

Chloride milligrams (mg) 3400

Home remedies for Anal Fissures

Home Remedies for Piles

1. Radish juice taken in the morning and night. Start with 1/4 a cup and increase to 1/2 a cup gradually over a period of 1 month.
2. Wash 3-4 figs. Soak in a glass of water over night. Eat them first thing in the morning. Again repeat in the night.
3. Boil 1 ripe banana in 1 cup of milk, mash well. Take 3-4 times a day.
4. Crush bitter gourd leaves and extract the juice. Mix 3 tsp in 1 glass of buttermilk, and drink on an empty stomach every morning, for a month.
5. Drink a glass of buttermilk with 1/4 tsp carom seed powder (ajwain) and a pinch of salt.

Home Remedies for Anal Fissure

1. A warm bath can provide relief to those painful fissures.
2. The best bet for avoiding anal fissures is to have a healthy and well balanced diet. This diet should contain fruits, vegetables, whole grain and drinking eight to ten glasses of water.
3. Using lubrication is another method of treating the problem. To avoid any injury to your anal, apply petroleum jelly into your rectum.
4. A key factor to avoid anal fissures is to keep the area dry. With every shower or bowel movement try to dab the area with baby powder.
5. See to it that you are not affected by diarrhea because the watery stools are as harmful as hard stools. These soften the tissues around the rectum causing it to become a sore.

Anal Fissures Symptoms & causes

What Are Fissures - Piles Symptoms?

1. Bright red blood covering the stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl.
2. Anal itching caused from Fissures - Piles.
3. Severe burning sensation during and after passing stool
4. Not able to sit after passing stool because of burning sensation.
5. Burning pain after eating spicy and chilly foods
6. Painful swelling or hard lump around the anus.
7. Swollen veins - Fissures - Piles - will appear as lump near the anal opening or a swollen vein may stick out through the anal opening.

Anal Fissures
An anal fissure is a small tear in the skin around the opening of your anus. It can cause sharp pain, especially when opening your bowels. Anal fissure is a common disorder but many people don't seek medical advice about it.

Causes of Anal Fissure
1. The anal fissure usually develops when the anal tissue is damaged during a hard and dry stool (constipation) which tears the anal lining.
2. The anal fissure can also develop due to higher than normal pressure in the anal sphincters. Diarrhoea and inflammation of the anorectal area can also cause an anal fissure.
3. Many women during childbirth develop an anal fissure.
Other causes of the anal fissure are:
1. Digital insertion (during examination),
2. Foreign body insertion,
3. Or anal intercourse.

Symptoms of Anal Fissure
1. Sharp, stinging or burning pain during and following a bowel movement.
2. Spots of bright red blood on toilet tissue.
3. Itching and mal odorous discharge may also occur.

Cayenne Pepper (works in 2-3 days)

Cayenne pepper is known even in the early years for its healing power. People from all the world have already tried and experienced the amazing results brought by cayenne pepper in simple healing and in treating health problems. Recent studies also reveal the other therapeutic value of cayenne pepper and has been medically validated. One of the greatest health benefits of cayenne pepper is in the cardiovascular system. It helps certain parts of the body in cleaning the blood and facilitating the healing of the blood vessels. This kind of cayenne benefit however is not known to many and they just associate cayenne pepper with allopathic medicine.
You may even be surprised that cayenne pepper can help in the treatment for hemorrhoids. All you need to do is drink a glass of water with cayenne pepper everyday and you will experience the relief caused by the swelling and inflammation of veins and blood vessels in the rectum and anus area.
An online site, Cayenne Pepper Guide, published a story of a body builder friend of Dr. John R. Christopher, a known herbalist and naturopathic doctor. The bodybuilder suffers from severe hemorrhoids that he had to wear a special belt just to keep the hemorrhoids in place. With his condition, he resorted to drinking cayenne pepper daily and he was able to cure the severe condition he is suffering.
Now, you may ask about how a cayenne pepper can cure hemorrhoids. Before we can to treat this kind of condition, one has to eliminate fatty and starchy foods that can cause harm in our systems. And cayenne pepper is known for its wonders in the circulatory system as it feeds the essentials elements present in the cell structure of the arteries, capillaries and veins. Once the venous structure is filled with mucus, the blood will thicken and will experience a hard time circulating. By drinking a very warm glass of water, cayenne pepper will warm the system and feed the heart with the proper nutrients and influence its power to the arteries.
Take note that hemorrhoids are caused by the veins’ inflammation in the anus and rectum. Through the healing powers of the cayenne pepper, it will definitely help you getting rid of the inflammation. Also, the itching and swelling of veins will be gone in just a short period of time.
If you don’t want to drink the cayenne pepper with water, it is also advised that you can apply it topically. However, this kind of method is not advisable as it will burn your butt. Although there is no worst side effects. So the best method in using cayenne pepper in treating hemorrhoids is to ingest it. Drink it together with a half to full teaspoon of cayenne, juice from a lemon and a warm water. Lemon however is just an alternative. This kind is usually known as the cayenne pepper tea. The cayenne pepper tea has a hot taste but still tolerable and the body quickly adapts to the native calidity of the cayenne.
And lastly, cayenne pepper must still be coupled with the right foods such as those rich in fiber. By combining proper diet with this herb, you won’t experience any pain in the butt and you can go back to your normal routine.
 Now, with cayenne pepper - cayenne pepper is quite hot - for those who cannot handle it in the stomach, one of the best ways to handle it is through drinking tomato juice. Tomato juice is a good neutralizer and helps to make its fire properties better assimilated and tolerated in the system. Cayenne pepper is useful for healing internal ulcers, bleeding ulcers, even though some would say it is an irritant. Of course, you have to be careful how much you take. Now, while visiting Dr. Ponamyov, I learned, he has found that the capsicum, when it is ingested into the system, increases the amount of solar energy that is absorbed into the body. They had two groups of volunteers: the one taking the cayenne pepper in their diet and the other group that just had their normal diet without the pepper. So, they photographed the aura of these two groups, with the use of Kirlian photography, and they noticed that those who had ingested the capsicum had a more intense energy field. So his reasoning was that somehow there is something chemically which is done to the system that helps a person "to get more mile out of their sunbeam"; shall we put it that way? Also Dr. Ponamyov was telling me that for schizophrenic people as well as certain mental and emotional disorders, all they would treat them with was magnesium. They would give them 200 or 300 mg. of magnesium and then continue to increase it, and they found that the patients responded better, and that their behaviour improved.  
One more thing about cayenne pepper: not only will it help promote circulation of the blood, but if you cut yourself externally, just take some cayenne pepper and put it on the wound. If it's a deep wound, just take a clean dressing or cloth, and take cayenne with the wet cloth and plug the hole. It won't burn that much and it will stop the bleeding.

Cayenne moves blood

There is no other herb which increases your blood flow faster than cayenne. Cayenne moves blood. When people ask Dr. Schultze, "What are the 10 most important herbs to have in the home?" He tells them, "At the top of the list is cayenne pepper, because it will make the other 9 work better."

Cayenne is the greatest blood circulation stimulant known. You can take all the milk thistle you want, but if you have bad circulation to your liver, it's not going to do you any good. Cayenne increases your blood circulation immediately within seconds, more than any other herb.
When you have a sick area, there's often a restriction of blood flow to that area. Blood flow is what takes nutrition and the healing properties of herbs to those cells. Blood flow is also what carries out and removes waste material. Cayenne pepper is like TNT. It blasts through all that blockage to get to that area which is sick, taking with it all the minerals and vitamins from the foods you eat, and all the vital chemicals from the herbs you take - all the way to the sick area.

Cayenne pepper is usually labeled 40,000, 60,000, 90,000 or more heat units. Generally, the higher the number of heat units, the more beneficial. The lower-heat cayenne peppers are a lot less efficient, and they are the ones which are most highly contaminated. These are the ones you see labeled for 30,000 heat units. These are the ones to stay away from.
People who are not used to cayenne just need to work their way up. One problem people have is that they blow their mouths with cayenne, right off the bat. For those who have never used cayenne pepper before, a good initial dosage is 1/16th of a teaspoonful in some juice. Work your way up in dosage slowly. Put a small amount in some juice, stir and drink. Delicious.
Cayenne powder
It is recommended that the cayenne powder be used, as opposed to capsules. It is believed that you are only getting a small part of the potential effect of cayenne pepper by taking it in capsules. When you put cayenne in your mouth, your stomach secretes digestive juices before the cayenne ever gets there. So when the cayenne gets down there, your stomach is ready for it.
But if you swallow a capsule, your tongue tastes nothing. A capsule goes down in your stomach, and your stomach notices nothing, at first. Then, 5 minutes later the gelatin bursts, and you have a 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper in your stomach and your body is shocked. You surprised it.
What is going on is that some of cayenne's healing action occurs right in your mouth. As cayenne touches your tongue, the cayenne absorbs in seconds and nerve endings send signals throughout the body - sending waves of fresh blood throughout your body.
My favorite source for high quality, non-irradiated cayenne pepper by the pound is here. I also like Puritan Pride's special "Buy 1 Get 2 FREE" promotions on cayenne.

I highly recommend the book "The Health Benefits of Cayenne" by John Heinerman if you want to learn more about the power of cayenne. There is no other herb stronger or more effective than cayenne to make immediate physiological and metabolic changes in the body.
Sure, there are a few heating herbs like Ginger and horseradish, but what other herb can you put in somebody's mouth and all of a sudden it makes their faces look like cherries? I don't know another herb that will do that, and cayenne does that through your whole body. Use it to improve blood flow throughout your body.

How many times a day did you drink cayenne pepper water to initially cure your hemorrhoids?
Answer: In all honesty, just once and it reduced the swelling in two days. The itching, bleeding and blood vessel swelling all went away. You should change your diet too. More fiber via fruits, grains and vegetables is ideal.

And as far as when to drink, I understand that post workout is a bad idea, but what about in relation to meals? Thanks for your insight.
Answer: Ideally, it's best to drink cayenne pepper half an hour after eating or half an hour or so before eating. The general rule of thumb is to not drink any liquid of any kind with food for a bare minimum of 15 minutes, or until the food has had a chance to pass out of the stomach.
It's not ideal to drink cayenne and then to take a meal or having it with a meal. By taking it alone with water, you give yourself optimum benefit and you'll actually get less stomach agitation although it will, to be honest, agitate the stomach nonetheless. The two most demanding physiological events in our bodies are digestion and coital orgasms. No comment on the second one but as for digestion and cayenne, it's really best to take cayenne alone. 
I believe in the health benefits of cayenne pepper but drinking it causes my stomach to get upset, although it does go away in 10 to 15 minutes or so.
Answer: Good question. I totally understand, and your experience is common. Drinking cayenne pepper water is not like drinking a strawberry milkshake, to be sure. Cayenne is a very, very powerful herb. One of its drawbacks, though, is that it's hard to drink. I understand that. I've had the same experience you've had too, by the way. Here's what I recommend: after you drink your daily cayenne pepper drink, just sit still and don't move around too much for a minimum of 10 minutes. It takes cayenne about 15 to 20 minutes to pass out of the stomach. I've found that by just sitting very still without too much moving around that the upset stomach feeling passes, and is barely noticeable IF I just sit at my computer or in my office chair or on my couch watching TV. I've also found that whenever I increase my dosage of cayenne, the old stomach upset comes back. However, I also notice my body adapts really quickly to it. Simple advice, I know, but it works. Remain as still as you can. You should never drink it before working out or after working out or you'll have the worst stomach ache you've ever had, and it will probably discourage you from every doing it again. Considering cayenne's remarkable array of health benefits, I'm willing to be a little inconvenienced.
Why should the water in the cayenne pepper water drink or with the lemon cayenne pepper detox drink be hot or warm? Why does the warm water matter?
Answer: Let me quote Dr. Christopher, the famed herbalist and naturopathic doctor, as he says it best. "The warm [cayenne pepper] tea is faster working than capsules or cold tea because the warm tea opens up the cell structure -- makes it expand and accept the cayenne that much faster, and it goes directly to the heart, through the artery system, and feeds it with powerful food." I think that answers it.

Glyceryl Trinitrate Treatment for Hemorroids Patient

I Just read this patient review about hemorroids and felt it will be helpful ..So i posted it here

 Since the Glyceryl Trinitrate was already diluted to .2%, there was no need to mix it will hydrocortisone before applying it. Though for the treatment, the 1% hydrocortisone cream is still needed.
Since I had internal hemorrhoids, I used an applicator that came with the hydrocortisone Acetate cream. I applied a think coat of 1% hydrocortisone cream (that I purchased at the same drug store) to the applicator and also put a small amount on my anus for lubrication. I put two 3/4-inch beads of the Gylceryl Trinitrate on the applicator, inserted it, and using the applicator rubbed it into the hemorrhoid area for about a minute or so. I allowed the Gylceryl Trinitrate to absorb for about 5 to 10 minutes (you can actually feel it being absorbed by noticing a slight throbbing sensation in the back of your head. After 5-10 minutes I put a 1-inch bead of 1% hydrocortisone cream on the same applicator, inserted it, and also rubbed the hydrocortisone cream into the area of the hemorrhoids.
For the first week and a half, I did this treatment three times a day (every 8 hours). For the remaining week and a half, I did the treatment twice a day once when I got home from work and once before I went to bed.

Which Hemorrhoids Cream?

There are so many different hemorrhoids cream available on the market today that your head can literally spin as to which one to choose.
I have personally tried many different creams, so I have quiet a good knowledge as to which ones are better.
However having said that, I would rather use my pharmacy knowledge and explain in simple terms a little background about creams, so that you are armed with a better knowledge as to which cream to choose for yourself.
Firstly the difference between creams and ointments is that the cream is a water based product.
This means that creams can be rubbed in easily and in thus doing the water evaporates leaving a thin film of the active ingredients behind that are not greasy. Ointments on the other hand are very greasy.
The body absorbs ointments slightly better than creams.
The body absorbs creams and ointments the most and the fastest via the anus.
Thus you must be careful with some creams and ointments.
It is important that you start your hemorrhoid treatment with a weaker type cream. If this hemorrhoids cream does nothing for you after a period of three days.Work your way up to a stronger type cream and again if this does nothing for you after three days, you then progress to the strongest type cream.

When I say after three days, I mean that you should feel some improvement only, not total cure.
Only if you are 100% sure that you have no improvement at all then only do you step up to the stronger cream.
The reason for this above mentioned statement is that your body gets very familiar very quickly to creams and ointments. The consequences are that the particular cream or ointment may not work in the near future when you may really need this particular cream.
So why take a chance using a cream that you might not need at this stage.
Another problem with your stronger type creams and ointments is that you can ruin your skin around the anus causing skin eczema for the rest of your life and other more serious complications.
This problem is usually caused by overdosing on the cream or ointment. This is easily done by using the cream or ointment for more than seven days.
Hence it is important to start with the weakest cream first.

--------------- CREAM STRENGTHS ---------------

1) In the weaker type creams and ointments you are looking for a simple formula, with a high dose of protective base including a vascoconstrictor base hemorrhoids cream.
All this jargon means something that will protect the hemorrhoids from further deterioration and something to cure hemorrhoids.
A good example is Preparation H. Found World wide, or rectinol.
2) In the next catagory you are looking for creams and ointments with a protective base, contains an anesthetic and a vascoconstrictor base hemorrhoid cream.
This means protection of the hemorrhoids from further deterioration, something to cure haemorrhoids and something extra to suppress the pain.
A good example of this is Preperation H maximum strength, or Tronolane or Fleet Pain Relief Pads.

3) Stepping this category up a little, you could use an ointment that has a cortisone base, but is not too strong.
A good example of this is Tucks-Hydrocortisone Anti-Itch.

4)In the stronger type you are looking for creams or ointments with a corticosteroid base and possibly with also an anesthetic combination.

This contains cortisone and in most cases a script is needed.
A good example of this is Anusol HC , or Proctocort, or Proctosedyl or Scheriproct.
                                                            When using a hemorrhoids cream/ointment with external hemorrhoids, make sure your finger is clean. Gently rub the cream all around the hemorrhoid and go slightly in the anus without causing yourself an injury.
With internal hemorrhoids use the applicator, which is usually supplied with all hemorrhoids creams.
Rub some cream on the applicator itself before inserting in the anus. In other words you need to lubricate the applicator.Always remember to wash the applicator thoroughly after use. The most common aid to creams or ointments is suppositories, especially used with internal hemorrhoids.

Always read the instruction leaflet found in the box.
However the norm is to apply the hemorrhoids cream three times a day.
  • Morning, lunch and before bed.
  • Apply after every toilet movement and after every sitz bath.
  • Not much cream (quantity) should be applied at a time, but the cream should be well spread around. 
Another problem I encountered with my Hemorrhoid problems. Over time, I have overdosed myself with hydrocortisone cream.
The result is that my skin around the anus has remained and will remain irritated forever. This causes me a major itchy rectum.
This problem I have resolved by using a zinc oxide base cream.
A common one to use is Daktozin.

I did a little research and found a new treatment some doctors were trying. It was taking 2% Nitroglycerin cream and mixing it 1 part to 10 parts of 1% hydrocortisone cream, yielding a .2% Nitroglycerin formulate.

Things to do in Morning

As soon as you get up in the morning, take a tall glass of warm water (with some lime juice and honey optionally). In 10 minutes, majority of us will be running to the bathroom! However, if you have coffee or tea and/or milk first thing in the morning, it is definitely not a possibility.

5. Always go the bathroom at the same time everyday. Early morning before or after breakfast is the Best time!

6. Ah, now we come to the subject of breakfast! How many of us eat a good breakfast? How many of us KNOW what a good breakfast is? Breakfast MEANS that we are breaking a fast of over 12 hours (yeah, eating after 8PM also contributes to incorrect digestion and various diseases) .Breakfast should be NOTHING but whole grains (rolled oats, whole wheat breads, etc), some protein (eggs or fish) and healthy FRESH juices. Actually, drinking fresh fruit juice smoothie is THE BEST BREAKFAST bar NONE. (And we are not talking about the sugar syrup juices available in the grocery aisle!)

7. Make yourself a smoothie every morning optionally] using regular milk, soy milk or almond milk, fresh ORGANIC fruits or vegetables and some honey added if the fruits are not sweet enough. This will beat constipation every time.

Products that I recommend

Products that I often recommend for people with hemorrhoids include: 
  • · Lots of dark leafy green vegetables
  • · Whole Flax Seed
  • · Liver cleansers
  • · Vitamin C and Rutin to strengthen the blood vessels
  • · Collinsonia Root by Standard Process Labs
  • · Butcher’s Broom (Ruscus aculeatus,which doesn’t seem to test out strong often although I see it often recommended in the literature.)
  • · Bromelain (digestive enzyme from pineapple)
  • · Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum ,good for those with spider veins, glaucoma, varicose veins and who are not allergic to walnuts as it is anti-inflammatory, anti-edema, and has venotonic actions. ) 
  • · Bilberry Bioflavonoid: Bilberry extract (Vaccinium myrtillus) to strengthen veins
  • · Witch Hazel and Aloe Vera (to take down the swelling—These are both astringent)

Exercise Helps

Lets discuss what of exercise is needed for hemorroids

Physical activity increases blood circulation. This way, the nutrients needed by our body are transferred to every part of our body, including the anus, in a more efficient and smooth way. And what are vital for strengthening of the rectal veins are nutrients. They also help to alleviate the inflammation of the affected area.
Which exercise is best?
If you suspect that you are vulnerable to developing hemorrhoid symptoms, you should try to increase your physical activity. What kind of activity will suit your purpose best? Here are some hints on which exercise work better at hemorrhoid prevention. Research shows that people with strong muscle tone are less likely to get hemorrhoids. Toned muscles mean firm yet flexible muscles. To get a better muscle tone you should take up the following sports activities:

Help in Muscle toning 
  • - Swimming
  • - Running
  • - Yoga
  • - Pilates
  • - Walking
  • - Aerobics 
Now, here are 2 exercises that we recommend you to follow especially even on your most hectic days.
  1. Reverse Stomach Suck - This targets the stomach muscles. Put your body in a push-up position making your hands and knees as support. Now inhale and suck your stomach in. Hold the sucking in for 30 seconds.
  2. Spinal Stretch - Lie down on your stomach. Straighten your arms forward raising your shoulders and head off the ground. Hold the position for 30 seconds. This is beneficial to the spines. 
These exercises should help you ease hemorrhoids. Just remember to do the exercises regularly. Do the exercises every 1-2 hours. Be faithful in taking a break just to give you time to exercise
These activities are the best muscle toners. You should try any kind of exercise that works on the abdominal area. Sphincter exercise is another wise way to prevent the development of hemorrhoids. Staying active reduces pressure on veins. Pressure on veins is usually accumulated during long periods of standing or sitting. Exercise helps you lose weight and indirectly aims at one of the major reasons for getting hemorrhoids – overweight. When involved in active physical activity, you should take as much water as possible to help you in your pursuit in faster and efficient passing of food through the intestines.

Buttocks press
 Lately, this exercise has become very popular in the fight against hemorrhoid formation. This is a simple effort – you just need to contract and relax alternately the buttocks muscles. This exercise makes the sphincter area where hemorrhoids tend to occur, stronger and better toned. You can perform the buttocks press any time and anywhere – at home, in the queue or while driving.
The most basic type of everyday hemorrhoids prevention 
Walking or jogging for 20 minutes daily can be the first thing in the morning. If you prefer home exercise, you can do aerobics. Another good exercise for hemorrhoids is yoga. If you take up yoga regularly, it will stretch you muscles and revive you circulation. What is more, there are certain yoga positions which focus on the sphincter area and thus work for the prevention of hemorrhoid development.

 What type of exercise to be avoided?
People who have already got hemorrhoids should avoid biking because it increases the pressure on the rectal area. It is not recommended to practice weight-lifting as well. This exercise puts strain on the lower back and can worsen the hemorrhoids.

Constipation natural remedies

  • Constipation and straining are the major reasons for the growth of hemorrhoids. To avoid constipation, you may add natural substances such as psyllium to the diet to see if the stools go out easily. You should never sit on the commode and strain your but muscles. If you feel that it is going beyond a normal push, you need to stop doing that and maybe go for a long walk.
  •  As soon as you get up in the morning, take a tall glass of warm water (with some lime juice and honey optionally). In 10 minutes, majority of us will be running to the bathroom! However, if you have coffee or tea and/or milk first thing in the morning, it is definitely not a possibility.
  • Always go the bathroom at the same time everyday. Early morning before or after breakfast is the Best time!


Hemorrhoid Suppository

There are suppositories that are used in treatment of hemorrhoids that reduce the itching and pain. These do not make the veins go away but help to give relief until the cause of the hemorrhoid is gone. This medication treats the inflammation, swelling and itching of the hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid medications can be bought without a doctor’s prescription and at a low cost. They are not painful, can be self-administered very easily and provide fast relief.

Types of Hemorrhoids Medications:
1. Moisturizer. Sooth the irritated areas and relieve the bleeding and pain.
2. Vasoconstrictor. Constrict the blood flow to the vein in the area until the vein has become smaller and less painful.
There are many different types of suppository treatments for hemorrhoids available. Hydrocortisone products like Anusal HC can be bought over-the-counter and contain 1% hydrocortisone. The hydrocortisone is a steroid that has proven to be effective in treating internal hemorrhoids. A suppository with more than 1% hydrocortisone can be obtained by a prescription through a physician. Avenoc Suppositories are homeopathic products that contain all natural ingredients. Preparation H which is a non-steroidal is popular and readily available. The other main ingredient that can be found in over-the-counter suppositories is cocoa butter.
Popular brands of Hemorrhoid Suppositories:
1. Anusol HC suppositories. Used for internal discomfort and swelling. Helps to reduce itching, swelling and discomfort with rectal issues, like hemorrhoids. Depresses the forming, release and activity of those cells and chemicals causing the symptoms.
2. Equate Hemorrhoid Suppositories. Compares to Preparation H. Gives temporary relief to soreness, pain and burning. Relieves the discomfort and itching while shrinking the hemorrhoid tissue. Proves a coating for the discomfort that protects the surface to make bowel movements not as painful.
3. Preparation H Hemorrhoid Suppositories. Relief for burning, itching, swelling and discomfort. Works at night to aid in sleep. Makes bowel movements less painful by providing a coating to the area that protects the surface.
4. Boiron – Avenoc Suppositories. A homeopathic medication used to relieve stinging, pain, and bleeding that is found to be associated with hemorrhoids.
5. Calmol 4 Hemorrhoid Suppositories. Contains a higher percentage of cocoa butter so it melts faster and is more comfortable to use. Provides temporary relief to irritation, burning, itching ans discomfort.

Some popular brands of hydrocortisone suppositories include Cort-Dome, Anusol-HC, Anucort-HC.
Always remember to follow your doctor’s instructions regarding the use of a hydrocortisone suppository. Overuse of steroids, such as hydrocortisone, can lead to unexpected health dangers as if used for an extended amount of time, such as adrenal insufficiency, and you may be required by your doctor to taper the medication. In addition, because steroids are powerful medications which can suppress the immune system, certain patients may advised against the use of this medication

What is Hemorrhoids?

Hemorroids are a health issue of the body where the veins surround the anus or the lower part of the rectum is inflamed and swollen. They may be the cause of straining to pass a stool and other factors include aging, pregnancy, chronic constipation or diarrhea and anal intercourse. Both men and women suffer from hemorrhoids and nearly half of the population suffers from them by the age of 50. Hemorrhoids are common during pregnancy for a woman because of the pressure of the fetus that is put on the abdomen and also due to the hormonal changes that cause vessels to enlarge. Most hemorrhoids that are caused by pregnancy are temporary.

Hemorrhoids are found either inside or outside of the anus and typically not life threatening or harmful. Most times symptoms will fade away after just a few days. Common symptoms include blood found in the stool or on toilet tissue, itching, lumps or incomplete bowel movements. Diagnose of hemorrhoids is completed by a rectal exam. External hemorrhoids can be diagnosed visually or by a rectal exam.

Yogic Asanas for hemorrhoids

Sarvangasana is really benefical for Hemorrhoids.

These are also good for Hemorrhoids : Inverted poses; Aswini-mudra; walking on buttocks; Massage.
Prolapse veins in rectum:  Headstand and all inverted poses; Aswini-mudra; Abdominal contractions (with doctor's approval).
Varicose Veins in rectum and anus:  All inverted poses, including Headstand.

Migraine Savasana; Headstand; Breathing cycles. Neck, To Firm Neck exercises; Pose of a Camel. Prolapse

Herbal remedies provide permenant treatment

Japanese Pagoda Tree (Sophora Japonica)
The extracts of the Japanese pagoda tree are proven to strengthen vein walls, fix the permeability of the veins and capillaries, and help maintain vein health. It has also been shown to relief the symptoms of hemorrhoids, such as the itching, pain, and discomfort.
Clinical studies on Japanese pagoda tree extract have shown that:
96% of men and women with varying severity of hemorrhoids have relief from the bleeding
88% have a significant reduction of discharge
95% have relief from inflammation
90% have relief from itching
Overall, 94% of people taking Japanese pagoda tree extract are symptom-free and cured of hemorrhoids or had significantly better conditions as compared to only 23% of those taking placebo.
Japanese Pagoda Tree extract is available exclusively from Hemaron.

Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus)
Butcher's broom is an evergreen bush with a stiff spine, which is used for making brooms in ancient times. It is closely related to asparagus, and has been used as vegetables as well as an herb.
The extract of the root of the Butcher's broom bush, which contains the active ingredient ruscogenins, has the natural ability to narrow blood vessels, lessen inflammation and swelling, as well as strengthen and improve vein walls and tone.
BUTCHER'S BROOM Is also applied topically to stop pain & itching.

Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
HORSE CHESTNUT Increases elasticity of blood cells and helps to reduce swelling.
The seed of the horse chestnut tree has been used since the 1800s to treat various vein conditions. Today, horse chestnut extract is commonly used in Europe and Asia for hemorrhoids.
Horse chestnut extract contains aescin, which has been shown to reduce inflammation, improve vein elasticity, strengthen vein walls and improve vein tone. It is thought that aescin does this by plugging small leaks and holes in the veins and capillaries.
Horse chestnut can also improve microvascular circulation, lessen the swelling and fluid retention.

Witch Hazel (Hamamelis Virginiana)
A popular astringent, witch hazel is a common ingredient in creams and ointments for hemorrhoids. Extracts of the leaf and bark of this medicinal shrub has been used for many years to reduce swelling and inflammation of external hemorrhoids.

Cranesbill (Geranium maculatum)
Cranesbill is a wild geranium plant that has been used by Native Americans to treat various digestive conditions. When used as a poultice, the root and rhizome of cranesbill has a potent astringent quality that can be used to treat hemorrhoids.

Psyllium (Plantago ovata)
PSYLLIUM SEED Works internally to coat and soothe bowel lining.
Because of its high fiber and mucilage (gum-like residue) content, psyllium or flea seed is commonly used as a natural laxative to treat constipation. Here, the husk of the seed absorbs water and keep stool soft and moist.
Chronic constipation often irritates existing hemorrhoids because it results in hard and dry stool that is difficult to pass. By reducing constipation, psyllium can help reduce hemorrhoid flare-ups and allow the hemorrhoid to heal naturally. Be sure to drink a lot of water to fully take advantage of psyllium's benefits.

Aloe Vera
ALOE GEL Is applied topically to relieve pain & burning.
Aloe has a long history of use as soothing and cooling astringent. Aloe gel, derived from the plant's leaf, can be applied to external hemorrhoids to relieve the swelling and pain.
Another substance from aloe, called aloe vera latex extract, can also be used as a natural laxative. Similar to psyllium, natural laxative can be used to combat constipation and prevent hard, dry stool from irritating hemorrhoids. However, aloe extract is very potent - so be careful in using just a small portion and possibly in combination with other gentler herbs, to treat the occassional constipation.

Pilewort (Ranunculus ficaria)
PIlewort it is a traditional English herbs used to treat (what else?) piles or hemorrhoids. It got its name because early herbalists thought that the physical appearance of the plant signifies its function - here, pilewort tubers look like hemorrhoids.
Pilewort can be used as a tincture to be applied directly to external hemorrhoids, or made into tea. However, due to possible side effects such as blisters, as well as lack of clinical studies showing benefits, pilewort has not been a popular choice.

Plantain (Plantago major)
The fiber-rich plaintain has been used as traditional medicine to treat hemorrhoids. A natural compound found in plantain, called allantoin, is an anti-inflammatory agent that can stimulate the immune system and help skin heal from wounds. In addition to hemorrhoids, powdered allantoin has been used to treat ulcers and skin lacerations.

Bromelein is actually a combination of digestive enzymes found in pineapple. It has the amazing properties of stopping swelling and inflammation, and has been used for treating hemorrhoids and other vein conditions, such as varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency.

Mullein extracts from its leaves and flowers contains astringent and soothing agents. It helps to soothe irritated and inflamed skin and respiratory problems. Mullein is one of the safest and most used herbal tonics for lungs and skin problems. Mullein has gained a great reputation as an herbal cure for hemorrhoids

Bilberry extract is an herbal cure for bleeding hemorrhoids that contains bioflavonoid. It has been found to effectively increse blood flow throughout the body and thus improve blood circulation. Therefore, bilberry is extremely useful for certain conditions caused by blood flow disruption such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

CALENDULA Relieves pain & inflammation. Use a cream topically or make a strong infusion and use in a sitz bath.

DANDELION Tincture or capsules are taken internally to soften hard stools.

HORSETAIL Tea used to treat bleeding.

ST. JOHN'S WORT OIL Applied topically to reduce inflammation & swelling.

WITCH HAZEL Suppositories are used for bleeding.

Best way to get rid of Hemorrhoids Pain immediately

Detail on How to get rid of Hemorrhoids Pain?

If the pain and symptoms are not too severe, they can be fixed without treatment simply by avoiding what ever is causing them
When treating hemorrhoids, the goal is 1) to reduce pain 2) to reduce the size of the hemorrhoid
1) Best way to Reduce pain
Aleve is an anti-inflammatory medicine that can help with discomfort. Topical creams work well to help with itching and burning. Some over the counter products that help are: Hemorid, Tucks, Tronolane and Preparation H.

2) Best way to reduce the size of the hemorrhoid
For external hemorrhoids the most common over the counter solution is Hydrocortisone creams. You can order these from a pharmacy or from many places online if you wish to avoid an embarrassment, and they do not require a prescription.
For internal hemorrhoids you will need a Hydrocortisone suppository. These to can be picked up without prescription.