Radish Juice

Radish Juice

Piles: Radish is very rich in roughage, i.e. indigestible carbohydrates. This facilitates digestion, retains water, cures constipation (one of the main causes for piles) and thus gives relief in piles. Being a very good detoxifier, it helps heal up piles fast. Its juice also soothes the digestive and excretory system and this also relieves piles

Skin Disorders: Vitamin-C, phosphorus, zinc and some members of vitamin-B complex, which are present in radish, are good for skin. The water in it helps maintaining moisture of the skin. Smashed raw radish is a very good cleanser and serves as a very efficient face pack. Due to its disinfectant properties, radish also helps cure skin disorders, such as drying up, rashes, cracks etc. and also refreshes it.

Respiratory Disorders, Bronchitis and Asthma: Radish is an anti congestive, i.e. it relieves congestion of respiratory system including nose, throat, wind-pipe and lungs, due to cold, infection, allergies and other causes. It is a good disinfectant and also rich in vitamins, which protect respiratory system from infections.

Liver & Gallbladder: Radish is especially beneficial for liver and gallbladder functions. It regulates production and flow of bile and bilirubin, acids, enzymes and removes excess bilirubin from the blood, being a good detoxifier. It also contains enzymes like myrosinase, diastase, amylase and esterase. It protects liver and gallbladder from infections and ulcers and soothes them.
Other Benefits: Apart from above benefits, radish is a good appetizer, mouth and breathe freshener, laxative, regulates metabolism, improves blood circulation, is a good treatment for headache, acidity, constipation, nausea, obesity, sore throat, whooping cough, gastric problems, gallbladder stones, dyspepsia etc.

Wheat grass for Anal FIssure

Wheat Grass

What does auto-immune mean?
Normally the immune antibodies our bodies produce act to stave off bacteria, viruses and other organisms that try to invade the body, and to kill off cancer cells that continually develop inside us. When this system goes awry, such as when the body undergoes severe or prolonged emotional or physical stress or severe illness, these antibodies can attack and damage healthy cells, tissues or organs. This is called an auto-immune reaction which can eventually cause an auto-immune condition if it continues long enough. In rheumatoid arthritis for example, joints can become severely damaged. i.e. they become red, swollen and painful and eventually lose their function.
My theory is that this is what occurs in anal fissure and possibly in other similar painful conditions such as tennis elbow and plantar fasciitis and perhaps even in the split lip shown in Figure 2. For some reason, these antibodies attack the mucous membrane on the anal wall. This breaks down and the fissure opens up. At time of passing stool, the anal muscles reflexly go into spasm and the bare nerve endings in the fissure produce a painful sensation. The pain leads to stool avoidance which can then cause constipation which aggravates the fissure and the whole process becomes cyclical.
Unless some way is found to heal the fissure, or the body repairs itself, the fissure becomes chronic. The anal verge being unable to "rest" for any length of time because of the need for bowel evacuation, the fissure remains open.
So the aim should be to fix the fissure, not the constipation. However, this has never been an easy task – until now.

How does wheatgrass work for anal fissure?
Having used wheatgrass on thousands of patients for a variety of conditions it has been strikingly obvious to me that it facilitates natural healing e.g. for wounds, burns, fractures, anal fissure etc. One can actually see the healing in progress for example in burns and infected wounds when the open wound is re-covers itself with a thin film of new cells in 24-48 hours. This keeps the body fluids in and the bacteria out, and the patient’s pain disappears as well. These are not phenomena one sees when the body is healing itself unaided.
Wheatgrass in some way “normalizes” damaged tissue and facilitates rapid healing, most likely, as already mentioned, due to stimulation of growth factors responsible for production of skin and related tissue cells. It can also work dramatically in some cases of auto-immune related disorders such as acne rosacea and psoriasis. In other words, it appears to act as a topical (surface) immunomodulator and growth factor activator.
Wheatgrass is a powerful, natural healing agent that often works when nothing else does

Dietary Support

Dietary Support

Maintaining daily regularity, maximizing tissue support, and minimizing anal stretching are the optimal conditions for healing your anus. For these reasons, we recommend the following supplements:

Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acid found in the muscles of the body. It is essential to heal and maintain all muscles, including the anus. It is the basis of the building blocks for the synthesis of RNA and DNA. It is an essential component to maintaining a healthy colonic wall.

Fortified Flax
To help you maintain daily regularity, fortified flax is your best choice of dietary fiber. The diets of most Western cultures have changed radically over the past 100 to 150 years, which often leads to problems like anal fissures. In other words, your fiber supplement must be a food and not just a filler. This excellent food for colon health will not only keep you regular, but its healthy fats (omega-3 and omega-6) will assist tissues in healing, unlike many other fiber products.

Oxitrol's unique formula supplies the most comprehensive selection of antioxidants available today. Oxitrol contains vitamin E, vitamin C, CoQ10, grape seed extract, alpha lipoic acid, quercetin, N-acetyl L-cysteine, selenium, and beta carotene. All of these soften the stool and promote cellular healing. In addition, Oxitrol helps to protect the body from the formation of free radicals. Free radicals can cause damage to cells, impairing the immune system and leading to tissue degeneration. The CoQ10 in Oxitrol aids circulation, stimulates the immune system, and increases tissue oxygenation. All of this leads to a full healing of anal fissures.

MSM is a metabolite of DMSO and is a naturally occurring source of sulfur. MSM is a safe and naturally effective solution for inflammatory conditions and for healing tissues. Most people notice a distinct healing of their anus within a day or two of taking MSM orally.

Primal Defense
Primal Defense is a natural, whole food probiotic blend of HSOs (homeostatic soil organisms) designed to optimize the health of the human digestive tract and immune system. Beneficial soil- and plant-based microbes used to be ingested as part of food grown in rich, unpolluted soil. However, modern growing and processing methods have prevented our acquisition of these beneficial bacteria so necessary for the good health and function of our intestinal tract and immune system. Primal Defense is a key supplement when recovering from anal fissures.

Super Aloe
Cape aloes is a very effective herbal product for those who suffer from irregularity and need temporary relief of constipation. Cape aloes is related to the more common aloe vera growing on Cape Horn of South Africa. This very bitter substance acts as a tonic and purgative. Cape aloes purges the bowels in 6 to 24 hours.

Super Salve
Super Salve is the most effective salve that we have used to eliminate anal fissures. It nourishes and heals the tissues of the anus and works as an antioxidant. In addition, it is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and fights free radicals. INGREDIENTS: olive oil, organic chaparral leaf, organic comfrey leaf, organic echinacea flower, organic hops, organic usnea moss, organic bee's wax, cocoa butter, vitamin E and almond oils, and essential oils of cajuput, lemon grass, lemon, lavender, and tea tree.

Implant of Olive Oil, Aloe Vera, and MSM
This implant works wonders for anal fissures. I have found no other implant recipe more able to assist a sluggish colon to eliminate on its own or to heal the sensitive tissues of the colon.

Colon Cleansing
Given that poor healing of anal fissures is due to stretching and irritation of the anus by the pressure and contents of the stool, colon cleansing is a tremendous healing modality. By clearing out the entire colon using enemas during the first days, weeks, and maybe months, you will increase the speed of your healing and secure the tender anal area from tearing again. The information you need to do the colon cleansing is detailed in my book, Ten Days to Optimal Health. However, many people who have used this protocol for healing from anal fissures have worked with me over the phone or in person in order to optimize their program to fit them personally. For example, in the first days of healing from an anal fissure, most people will need to take a daily enema in order to give the rectal area a break from defecation to allow the anal area to heal.

Alternative Health Consultations

Throughout history people have used enemas as a tool to cleanse the colon. As a health practitioner, I see daily that enemas are an excellent way to heal anal fissures. Given the number of colon cleansing sessions needed to heal from anal fissures, enemas are the most effective and economical option. Enemas are safe when used properly. Enemas allow healing to the anal area. In order to learn more about enema therapy, you can watch our video, All About Enemas, which is included in the Anal Fissure Healing Kits.

Helpful online information for Anal Fissure

My recommended Posts:
  1. http://www.boardsailor.com/jack/af/        
      Anal fissure self help page: (You can search online) : This site has information from patients who suffered and cured  and some still suffering from anal fissure and there effective treatment.

Vitamins for Anal Fissure

Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc are important minerals that support blood clotting. Magnesium supports calcium absorption. Zinc aids in healing.

Here are some foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber:
•Oats (particularly oat bran)



•Peas (fresh split peas and snow peas are a great source of soluble fiber)


•Prunes (whole prunes are still best, although you can eat preserved prunes as long as they come with natural prune juice)

•Broccoli (don't only eat the tree part; the stems are also very good for you)



Reference Values for Nutrition Labeling

Vitamin or Mineral Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) Safe and Adequate Intake/Range (or Estimate)

Based on a 2000 Calorie Intake; for Adults and Children 4 or More Years of Age)

Nutrient Unit of Measure Daily Values

Total Fat grams (g) 65

Saturated fatty acids grams (g) 20

Cholesterol milligrams (mg) 300

Sodium milligrams (mg) 2400

Potassium milligrams (mg) 3500

Total carbohydrate grams (g) 300

Fiber grams (g) 25

Protein grams (g) 50

Nutrient Unit of Measure Daily Values

Vitamin A International Unit (IU) 5000

Vitamin C milligrams (mg) 60

Calcium milligrams (mg) 1000

Iron milligrams (mg) 18

Vitamin D International Unit (IU) 400

Vitamin E International Unit (IU) 30

Vitamin K micrograms (µg) 80

Thiamin milligrams (mg) 1.5

Riboflavin milligrams (mg) 1.7

Niacin milligrams (mg) 20

Vitamin B6 milligrams (mg) 2.0

Folate micrograms (µg) 400

Vitamin B12 micrograms (µg) 6.0

Biotin micrograms (µg) 300

Pantothenic acid milligrams (mg) 10

Phosphorus milligrams (mg) 1000

Iodine micrograms (µg) 150

Magnesium milligrams (mg) 400

Zinc milligrams (mg) 15

Selenium micrograms (µg) 70

Copper milligrams (mg) 2.0

Manganese milligrams (mg) 2.0

Chromium micrograms (µg) 120

Molybdenum micrograms (µg) 75

Chloride milligrams (mg) 3400

Home remedies for Anal Fissures

Home Remedies for Piles

1. Radish juice taken in the morning and night. Start with 1/4 a cup and increase to 1/2 a cup gradually over a period of 1 month.
2. Wash 3-4 figs. Soak in a glass of water over night. Eat them first thing in the morning. Again repeat in the night.
3. Boil 1 ripe banana in 1 cup of milk, mash well. Take 3-4 times a day.
4. Crush bitter gourd leaves and extract the juice. Mix 3 tsp in 1 glass of buttermilk, and drink on an empty stomach every morning, for a month.
5. Drink a glass of buttermilk with 1/4 tsp carom seed powder (ajwain) and a pinch of salt.

Home Remedies for Anal Fissure

1. A warm bath can provide relief to those painful fissures.
2. The best bet for avoiding anal fissures is to have a healthy and well balanced diet. This diet should contain fruits, vegetables, whole grain and drinking eight to ten glasses of water.
3. Using lubrication is another method of treating the problem. To avoid any injury to your anal, apply petroleum jelly into your rectum.
4. A key factor to avoid anal fissures is to keep the area dry. With every shower or bowel movement try to dab the area with baby powder.
5. See to it that you are not affected by diarrhea because the watery stools are as harmful as hard stools. These soften the tissues around the rectum causing it to become a sore.

Anal Fissures Symptoms & causes

What Are Fissures - Piles Symptoms?

1. Bright red blood covering the stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl.
2. Anal itching caused from Fissures - Piles.
3. Severe burning sensation during and after passing stool
4. Not able to sit after passing stool because of burning sensation.
5. Burning pain after eating spicy and chilly foods
6. Painful swelling or hard lump around the anus.
7. Swollen veins - Fissures - Piles - will appear as lump near the anal opening or a swollen vein may stick out through the anal opening.

Anal Fissures
An anal fissure is a small tear in the skin around the opening of your anus. It can cause sharp pain, especially when opening your bowels. Anal fissure is a common disorder but many people don't seek medical advice about it.

Causes of Anal Fissure
1. The anal fissure usually develops when the anal tissue is damaged during a hard and dry stool (constipation) which tears the anal lining.
2. The anal fissure can also develop due to higher than normal pressure in the anal sphincters. Diarrhoea and inflammation of the anorectal area can also cause an anal fissure.
3. Many women during childbirth develop an anal fissure.
Other causes of the anal fissure are:
1. Digital insertion (during examination),
2. Foreign body insertion,
3. Or anal intercourse.

Symptoms of Anal Fissure
1. Sharp, stinging or burning pain during and following a bowel movement.
2. Spots of bright red blood on toilet tissue.
3. Itching and mal odorous discharge may also occur.