Wheat grass for Anal FIssure

Wheat Grass

What does auto-immune mean?
Normally the immune antibodies our bodies produce act to stave off bacteria, viruses and other organisms that try to invade the body, and to kill off cancer cells that continually develop inside us. When this system goes awry, such as when the body undergoes severe or prolonged emotional or physical stress or severe illness, these antibodies can attack and damage healthy cells, tissues or organs. This is called an auto-immune reaction which can eventually cause an auto-immune condition if it continues long enough. In rheumatoid arthritis for example, joints can become severely damaged. i.e. they become red, swollen and painful and eventually lose their function.
My theory is that this is what occurs in anal fissure and possibly in other similar painful conditions such as tennis elbow and plantar fasciitis and perhaps even in the split lip shown in Figure 2. For some reason, these antibodies attack the mucous membrane on the anal wall. This breaks down and the fissure opens up. At time of passing stool, the anal muscles reflexly go into spasm and the bare nerve endings in the fissure produce a painful sensation. The pain leads to stool avoidance which can then cause constipation which aggravates the fissure and the whole process becomes cyclical.
Unless some way is found to heal the fissure, or the body repairs itself, the fissure becomes chronic. The anal verge being unable to "rest" for any length of time because of the need for bowel evacuation, the fissure remains open.
So the aim should be to fix the fissure, not the constipation. However, this has never been an easy task – until now.

How does wheatgrass work for anal fissure?
Having used wheatgrass on thousands of patients for a variety of conditions it has been strikingly obvious to me that it facilitates natural healing e.g. for wounds, burns, fractures, anal fissure etc. One can actually see the healing in progress for example in burns and infected wounds when the open wound is re-covers itself with a thin film of new cells in 24-48 hours. This keeps the body fluids in and the bacteria out, and the patient’s pain disappears as well. These are not phenomena one sees when the body is healing itself unaided.
Wheatgrass in some way “normalizes” damaged tissue and facilitates rapid healing, most likely, as already mentioned, due to stimulation of growth factors responsible for production of skin and related tissue cells. It can also work dramatically in some cases of auto-immune related disorders such as acne rosacea and psoriasis. In other words, it appears to act as a topical (surface) immunomodulator and growth factor activator.
Wheatgrass is a powerful, natural healing agent that often works when nothing else does


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