Herbal remedies provide permenant treatment

Japanese Pagoda Tree (Sophora Japonica)
The extracts of the Japanese pagoda tree are proven to strengthen vein walls, fix the permeability of the veins and capillaries, and help maintain vein health. It has also been shown to relief the symptoms of hemorrhoids, such as the itching, pain, and discomfort.
Clinical studies on Japanese pagoda tree extract have shown that:
96% of men and women with varying severity of hemorrhoids have relief from the bleeding
88% have a significant reduction of discharge
95% have relief from inflammation
90% have relief from itching
Overall, 94% of people taking Japanese pagoda tree extract are symptom-free and cured of hemorrhoids or had significantly better conditions as compared to only 23% of those taking placebo.
Japanese Pagoda Tree extract is available exclusively from Hemaron.

Butcher's Broom (Ruscus aculeatus)
Butcher's broom is an evergreen bush with a stiff spine, which is used for making brooms in ancient times. It is closely related to asparagus, and has been used as vegetables as well as an herb.
The extract of the root of the Butcher's broom bush, which contains the active ingredient ruscogenins, has the natural ability to narrow blood vessels, lessen inflammation and swelling, as well as strengthen and improve vein walls and tone.
BUTCHER'S BROOM Is also applied topically to stop pain & itching.

Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)
HORSE CHESTNUT Increases elasticity of blood cells and helps to reduce swelling.
The seed of the horse chestnut tree has been used since the 1800s to treat various vein conditions. Today, horse chestnut extract is commonly used in Europe and Asia for hemorrhoids.
Horse chestnut extract contains aescin, which has been shown to reduce inflammation, improve vein elasticity, strengthen vein walls and improve vein tone. It is thought that aescin does this by plugging small leaks and holes in the veins and capillaries.
Horse chestnut can also improve microvascular circulation, lessen the swelling and fluid retention.

Witch Hazel (Hamamelis Virginiana)
A popular astringent, witch hazel is a common ingredient in creams and ointments for hemorrhoids. Extracts of the leaf and bark of this medicinal shrub has been used for many years to reduce swelling and inflammation of external hemorrhoids.

Cranesbill (Geranium maculatum)
Cranesbill is a wild geranium plant that has been used by Native Americans to treat various digestive conditions. When used as a poultice, the root and rhizome of cranesbill has a potent astringent quality that can be used to treat hemorrhoids.

Psyllium (Plantago ovata)
PSYLLIUM SEED Works internally to coat and soothe bowel lining.
Because of its high fiber and mucilage (gum-like residue) content, psyllium or flea seed is commonly used as a natural laxative to treat constipation. Here, the husk of the seed absorbs water and keep stool soft and moist.
Chronic constipation often irritates existing hemorrhoids because it results in hard and dry stool that is difficult to pass. By reducing constipation, psyllium can help reduce hemorrhoid flare-ups and allow the hemorrhoid to heal naturally. Be sure to drink a lot of water to fully take advantage of psyllium's benefits.

Aloe Vera
ALOE GEL Is applied topically to relieve pain & burning.
Aloe has a long history of use as soothing and cooling astringent. Aloe gel, derived from the plant's leaf, can be applied to external hemorrhoids to relieve the swelling and pain.
Another substance from aloe, called aloe vera latex extract, can also be used as a natural laxative. Similar to psyllium, natural laxative can be used to combat constipation and prevent hard, dry stool from irritating hemorrhoids. However, aloe extract is very potent - so be careful in using just a small portion and possibly in combination with other gentler herbs, to treat the occassional constipation.

Pilewort (Ranunculus ficaria)
PIlewort it is a traditional English herbs used to treat (what else?) piles or hemorrhoids. It got its name because early herbalists thought that the physical appearance of the plant signifies its function - here, pilewort tubers look like hemorrhoids.
Pilewort can be used as a tincture to be applied directly to external hemorrhoids, or made into tea. However, due to possible side effects such as blisters, as well as lack of clinical studies showing benefits, pilewort has not been a popular choice.

Plantain (Plantago major)
The fiber-rich plaintain has been used as traditional medicine to treat hemorrhoids. A natural compound found in plantain, called allantoin, is an anti-inflammatory agent that can stimulate the immune system and help skin heal from wounds. In addition to hemorrhoids, powdered allantoin has been used to treat ulcers and skin lacerations.

Bromelein is actually a combination of digestive enzymes found in pineapple. It has the amazing properties of stopping swelling and inflammation, and has been used for treating hemorrhoids and other vein conditions, such as varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency.

Mullein extracts from its leaves and flowers contains astringent and soothing agents. It helps to soothe irritated and inflamed skin and respiratory problems. Mullein is one of the safest and most used herbal tonics for lungs and skin problems. Mullein has gained a great reputation as an herbal cure for hemorrhoids

Bilberry extract is an herbal cure for bleeding hemorrhoids that contains bioflavonoid. It has been found to effectively increse blood flow throughout the body and thus improve blood circulation. Therefore, bilberry is extremely useful for certain conditions caused by blood flow disruption such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

CALENDULA Relieves pain & inflammation. Use a cream topically or make a strong infusion and use in a sitz bath.

DANDELION Tincture or capsules are taken internally to soften hard stools.

HORSETAIL Tea used to treat bleeding.

ST. JOHN'S WORT OIL Applied topically to reduce inflammation & swelling.

WITCH HAZEL Suppositories are used for bleeding.


Unknown said...

Relieves pain & inflammation. Use a cream topically or make a strong infusion and use in a sitz bath. cách chữa mụn cóc trên mặt

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