Anal Fissures Symptoms & causes

What Are Fissures - Piles Symptoms?

1. Bright red blood covering the stool, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl.
2. Anal itching caused from Fissures - Piles.
3. Severe burning sensation during and after passing stool
4. Not able to sit after passing stool because of burning sensation.
5. Burning pain after eating spicy and chilly foods
6. Painful swelling or hard lump around the anus.
7. Swollen veins - Fissures - Piles - will appear as lump near the anal opening or a swollen vein may stick out through the anal opening.

Anal Fissures
An anal fissure is a small tear in the skin around the opening of your anus. It can cause sharp pain, especially when opening your bowels. Anal fissure is a common disorder but many people don't seek medical advice about it.

Causes of Anal Fissure
1. The anal fissure usually develops when the anal tissue is damaged during a hard and dry stool (constipation) which tears the anal lining.
2. The anal fissure can also develop due to higher than normal pressure in the anal sphincters. Diarrhoea and inflammation of the anorectal area can also cause an anal fissure.
3. Many women during childbirth develop an anal fissure.
Other causes of the anal fissure are:
1. Digital insertion (during examination),
2. Foreign body insertion,
3. Or anal intercourse.

Symptoms of Anal Fissure
1. Sharp, stinging or burning pain during and following a bowel movement.
2. Spots of bright red blood on toilet tissue.
3. Itching and mal odorous discharge may also occur.


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